Tuesday, 1 April 2014



2nd April -wed

sekali lagi blog ni bersawang nak hmpir genap setahun.. bravoooo kucing pepel... huhu..

its just i wanna share something to u guys..

its about my dream last night..

i've dream bout me, facing car crash with my sister and my mum...

and.. my mum died on that accident... i was so shock..

then i woke up...  its 5am..

and tears fall like rain.. i miss my mum so much... afraid with that dream..

bcoz last night i've called my mum and she was fine..

called back home this morning and my bapak yg pick up the fon..

and heard my mum voice beside him..

it was so glad to heard her voice..

praise to Allah swt..

dariNya kita dihidupkan.. dan kepadaNya kita dikembalikan..

semoga aku masih diberikan masa untuk menggembirakan kedua org tua ku..  T_T

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